Estimate comparison
This is a comparison of A/B testing with a fixed samplesize test versus a sequential GLR test (via SeGLiR). Click "Simulate" to generate data from the given proportions p1 and p2 and simulate outcomes and MLE estimates from the test. Click "Calculate bias-adjusted MLE" to calculate the Whitehead bias-adjusted MLE estimate for the sequential GLR test - note that this may take a while to calculate, especially if the true difference is very small.
Both tests are "comparison of proportions" tests done at α-level 0.05, β-level 0.10, where the null-hypothesis is that p1 = p2, while the alternative hypothesis is that p1 ≠ p2. We also specify that we are interested in detecting any difference between p0 and p1 larger than 0.01. Note that the fixed sample-size test usually gives more precise estimates due to usually having more samples. The sequential GLR also gives biased estimates, which can be corrected by the Whitehead bias-adjusted MLE.
For more information about the sequential GLR test take a look at the reference of SeGLiR.